Switching between English and Chinese site and logging down question URLs easily.



  1. Download this repo by clicking uper-right Download ZIP under the Clone dropdown menu
  2. Extract the .zip file as a folder e.g. leetcode-languages-switch-chrome-extension-master
  3. Open your Chrome > type chrome://extensions/ in the address bar
  4. Turn on Developer mode at the upper right
  5. Click Load unpacked, and point to above unzipped folder
  6. A new plugin will be installed, shows an computer icon with a green tick


Open leetcode.com or leetcode-cn.com, you will see several buttons at the page header

  1. Cn or En: switching between Chinese and English sites
  2. Copy: copy current URL
  3. Collect: log current URL into localStorage
  4. Uncollect: remove current URL from localStorage
  5. Get collected: Copy all collected URLs