
A JavaScript for extracting videos (.m3u8) and subtitles (.vtt) URLs from


  1. Make sure ffmpeg.exe and wget.exe are installed and set in the path of OS, i.e. can get info. by running ffmpeg -version and wget --version in terminal or cmd.
  2. Log-in and open a course, e.g.
  3. Run the script in the Console or Sources tab of Chrome DevTools (open it by pressing F12)
  4. The result will be shown in the console, including:
    • cmd for downloading Videos with ‘ffmpeg’
    • cmd for downloading Subtitles with ‘wget’
    • cmd for marking all Lessons completed
  5. Copy and save one of above cmd to a bash file, e.g.
  6. Execute ./ to start downloading


&& in the cmd means executing commands line by line (Recommanded), revise it to & will execute commands in parallel.